Moreen J.Y.H

My life besides dance!


Do the grammar checking!

I've been very depressed today, very emotional. Seriously!!!!!
I said a lot "not nice" words way more than usual today, you know like ( SH*T, F#%&, GFY, ASSHO*E, ..)
Also, I cried a lot when I think of something today, which I normally would only feel confused, but could still manage not thinking about it too deeply.
I wanted to escape to somewhere where nobody could find me, where there is no internet, no cell phone, no Facebook, no Instagram.
Tears just rolled down on my cheek without my permission, even when I was just zoning out.
Due to these unsteady moodS, I did something very stupid and that was totally not me.
>> lesson here: just tide yourself up, don't do anything when you are down. The only thing you can do is call your friends!
Well, sad day has highlight too. when I was writing journal earlier this evening about how I feel today in "english", and I noticed that I was checking if my grammar is correct!!!!
what the F...
I told myself why the hell I need to care about the fucking grammar at this moment!!!!!!
However, grammar checking obviously switched my mood.

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